Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chukar camp 2016

24950. Thats how many steps my phone says I took yesterday. 24950 steps doesn't begin to do what we did justice. 24950 steps for three birds. Ridiculous. 8316.666666 steps per bird. Even more ridiculous.

That's what a succesfull chukar hunt requires. a lot of walking up hills. A lot of sneaking up on birds and a lot of dissapointment. In the end we had a great trip, with a total of five chukar, and two quail. I can't wait until next year.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

2016/2017 Duck opener.

It was a good opener this year. We had a total of ten Gadwalls come into the decoys. We shot seven, and recovered six. The Boy didn't get a shot off, but without waders he had to stay too far back in the tules. Hopefully he'll get a a few this year.